At GEOR, we take the accuracy of our information seriously. Here’s how we ensure that what we publish is reliable and trustworthy:
Source verification
We carefully verify primary sources and original data. And we don’t rely on just one source. For every piece of information, we check at least 3-5 reputable sources to confirm its accuracy.
Peer Review
We have a network of industry experts who review our content. These experts help us ensure that complex or specialized information is accurate and up-to-date.
Data Analysis
Our dedicated data team reviews all of the statistics and trends we publish. They double-check the numbers to make sure we’re giving you accurate data.
Internal expert team:
- Sergey Lobko-Lobanovsky;
- Tamuna Basaria;
- Alex Kharkauski.
Editorial Board
Before anything goes live, it goes through our Editorial Review Board. This team of senior staff members provides a final check to ensure quality and accuracy.
Editorial board:
- Sergey Lobko-Lobanovsky;
- Sergio Artimenia.
Technology Assist
We use advanced fact-checking software to help catch any potential errors or inconsistencies.
Fact-checking tools we use:
- Grover: Developed by the Allen Institute for AI, Grover is an AI system that can both generate and detect fake news. It’s particularly useful for identifying machine-generated disinformation.
- ClaimBuster: This AI-powered tool helps identify factual claims in text that may need verification. It’s useful for quickly spotting potentially controversial or unverified statements.
- Google Fact Check Explorer: While not software per se, this tool aggregates fact-checks from various sources across the web, making it easier to find existing fact-checks on a topic.
- Factmata: This AI-powered content moderation platform can help detect misinformation, bias, and harmful content.
Regular Updates
We don’t just fact-check once and forget about it. We regularly review and update our published information to ensure that it remains accurate over time.
Correction Policy
We don’t just fact-check once and forget about it. We regularly review and update our published information to ensure that it remains accurate over time.
Note on Our Process: While some of our team members may have expertise in multiple areas, we ensure that different individuals are involved at each stage of the fact-checking process. This helps maintain objectivity and reduces the risk of overlooking errors. For instance, an expert reviewing content (step 2) would not be the same person analyzing data (step 3) or sitting on the editorial board (step 4) for that particular piece of content.
By following these steps, we strive to provide you with information you can trust. We believe in transparency, which is why we’re sharing our process with you. If you ever have questions about our fact-checking methods, please don’t hesitate to reach out.